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4 Common Credit Card Mistakes to Steer Clear of (And Tips for Avoiding Them!)

Admin • Feb 23, 2024

Credit cards often evoke a mix of emotions, from love to hate, and understandably so. 

On the bright side, strategically using credit cards can afford you opportunities you might not have otherwise—an upgrade to first class on a long flight, a free stay at a luxury hotel, or simply earning cash back on your spending. All pretty sweet perks, wouldn’t you say? 

But even more effortless than responsibly using your credit cards and reaping the benefits is ending up in a financial bind because of less-than-responsible use. It’s all too easy to get caught in the snare of overspending because of a generous credit limit, relying on credit cards to bridge the gap between paychecks, and getting trapped in an endless cycle of repaying debt. 

Because credit cards have the power to both open and slam doors, it’s no wonder opinions on them are so divided. 

Regardless of your position on the matter, the reality is that credit card debt has left many consumers in financial and emotional distress. In fact, Americans’ combined credit card balances recently surpassed $1 trillion (yes, trillion with a “T”), a lot of which is carried from one month to the next. 

Given the potential negative impact credit cards can have and the widespread challenges consumers face with them, a quick refresher on responsible usage is never a bad idea. With that said, let’s dive into some common credit card mistakes to avoid at all costs!

Credit Card Mistake #1: Carrying a High Balance

Credit cards usually come with high interest rates mainly because they lack collateral. Unlike a car loan or mortgage, where the lender can repossess that asset if the borrower fails to pay, a credit card isn’t backed by any specific property. This increased risk for lenders prompts higher interest rates to compensate for the elevated risk.

A high credit card balance with a double-digit interest rate isn’t an ideal pairing. Plus, if you don’t pay off the full balance each month, interest starts piling up on the original amount owed and the accrued interest. It’s easy then to envision how quickly things can spiral out of control when you maintain a high balance and only make minimum payments (mistake #2!). 

Beyond adding financial pressure to your budget, having a high credit card balance can impact your credit utilization ratio–the ratio of your credit card balances to your credit limits. Keeping a high balance relative to your credit limit might hurt your credit score. 


  • Payment Strategy: Aim to pay off your entire balance each month to avoid interest charges.
  • Credit Utilization: Try to keep your credit utilization ratio below 30%. This shows lenders that you’re using credit responsibly.

Credit Card Mistake #2: Only Making Minimum Payments

While the ultimate goal is to pay off your credit card balances in full each month, you have permission to make gradual progress by steadily paying down your balances over time. If clearing your balances each month isn’t feasible just yet, try aiming to pay more than the minimum due. 

Minimum payments often go towards interest, providing little reduction in the actual amount you owe. By sticking to the minimum amount due, you prolong the time it takes to pay off your balances and increase the overall amount paid. 

If exceeding the minimum payment proves challenging, there could be an underlying issue, such as living beyond your means. This is an opportune moment to examine your finances, pinpoint any problematic areas, and potentially make changes to set you on the right track. 


  • Budget for More: Whenever possible, pay more than the minimum. Even a small additional amount can significantly reduce the time it takes to pay off your balance.
  • Spend Less, Earn More, or Both: Regularly review your expenses to see where you can cut back. If you ever feel the pinch, explore additional income opportunities to supplement your existing income that can help accelerate the repayment of your credit card debt. 

Credit Card Mistake #3: Paying Annual Fees That Aren’t Worth It

It’s easy to be drawn in by the allure of a new credit card, especially when you hear about the enticing perks, including those tempting welcome bonuses! But failing to take advantage of those perks can turn an annual fee into a waste of money rather than a worthwhile investment. 

How often have we signed up for something with the best intentions of making the most of it, only for it to never happen?

This principle doesn’t only pertain to new credit cards but also to existing ones. If your spending habits or lifestyle have shifted, a once beneficial credit card might no longer be a good fit. 

If paying an annual fee isn’t worth every penny, there are plenty of credit cards without an annual fee that offer competitive rewards and perks. 

But before you rush to close any of your accounts (which could negatively impact your credit score), it’s worth exploring alternative options like requesting a waiver of the annual fee, securing additional perks that would make the fee worth it, or downgrading to a card with no annual fee. 


  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Evaluate the benefits the card provides against the annual fee. If the value of the benefits isn’t higher than the cost of the annual fee, it might be more prudent to choose a card without an annual fee.
  • Maximize Rewards and Perks: This is a given, but make sure to actually use the rewards and perks you’re earning. There was probably a good reason you signed up, so assess if those benefits still align with your priorities. If yes, use them!

Credit Card Mistake #4: Ignoring Credit Card Statements

If you’re not regularly reviewing your credit card statements, there are several good reasons you should start. Let’s start with fraud prevention. The good news is that credit card companies have security measures in place to protect you, but the not-so-good news is that credit card fraud is still one of the most common forms of identity theft. 

And while most credit card companies are quick to detect and respond to unauthorized charges and fraud, it’s essential to take an active role in monitoring your own transactions to make sure nothing is missed. 

Beyond spotting unauthorized transactions, reviewing your statements can help you catch errors like billing mistakes or incorrectly charged late fees while also allowing you to track your spending. 

 While it’s convenient to trust your financial institution to get it all right, don’t assume that mistakes can’t be made and overlooked. 


  • Set Reminders: Schedule regular reminders to review your credit card statements, and don’t allow too much time in between so you don’t have to look through a long list of transactions.
  • Automate Alerts: Take advantage of your credit card issuer’s notification features. Set up alerts for when your statement is available, when payments are due, and for any unusual activity on your account. 

Beyond the Plastic: How Five Pine Wealth Management Can Help Broaden Your Financial Perspective

There’s no denying that credit cards offer an array of benefits when used responsibly, rendering them valuable financial tools to carry in your wallet. But whether you’re already responsibly leveraging your credit cars or actively working to overcome any challenges with them, credit cards represent just a single component of your broader financial landscape. 

If you’re interested in gaining a more comprehensive perspective on your finances (which, yes, include your credit cards), we’d love to chat with you and explore how we can work together to create a roadmap tailored to optimize your financial outcomes!

To set up a complimentary consultation with a team that will always put your best interests above our own, send us an email at or give us a call at 877.333.1015

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