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Financial Advisors

Too often we’ve inherited clients who haven’t heard from their financial advisor in years. As fee-only fiduciaries, we take great pride in the level of service and communication we provide to each and every client. 

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Fee Structure

At Five Pine Wealth Management, we operate on a fee-based model to ensure transparency and alignment of interests with our clients.

Fee Only Model

We are independent fiduciaries and will help you pursue your financial goals with a comprehensive approach."


Why us

Whether through semi-annual and annual reviews, intermittent updates, or informal check-ins, we’re in regular contact to ensure that every financial plan is on the right track.

Free consultation

If you would like to learn more about our processes and how we provide value for our clients, please give us a call or use the contact form below. We would love to get to know you.

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“At Five Pine Wealth Management, we commit to working hard for clients because we cherish their trust and confidence in us."

Jeremy Morris


News & Updates

Couple sitting on top of a mountain watching the sunset.
26 Jul, 2024
While love may not need a marriage certificate, your finances might appreciate one. You're not alone if you're in a committed relationship without plans to tie the knot. According to the Pew Research Center, the number of U.S. adults in cohabiting relationships has steadily increased in recent years. Without the automatic legal benefits that come with marriage, unmarried couples need to be proactive in protecting their financial interests and ensuring their future together is secure.
Man doing a cartwheel on the beach
19 Jul, 2024
We often hear about the importance of investing to build wealth and prepare for the future. However, investing in our happiness and present experiences to lead a meaningful life is equally important. Today, there's a noticeable rise in ambitious financial aspirations, fueling a trend where many are actively chasing their 'dream' lives by advancing in their careers, launching entrepreneurial ventures, and adopting strategies such as ultra-frugal living to achieve goals like early retirement. Dreaming big and setting ambitious goals challenging our comfort zones is commendable, but there's a caveat: We shouldn't become so fixated on the future that we forget to live in the present. While we advocate for having clear financial goals and moving forward with purpose, your hustle or sacrifices to achieve those goals shouldn't overshadow your ability to find happiness and fulfillment now. You can (and should) have a work-life balance — you don't have to sacrifice one for the other. If you're caught up in the co
Woman on a cellphone leaning on a bookshelf
12 Jul, 2024
Let's start with a little thought experiment. If we offered you an instant 30% pay raise, no strings attached, would you take it? Of course, you would! Who wouldn't want that kind of influx of extra cash? Well, here's the thing — you may already be entitled to the equivalent of a huge pay bump through your employee benefits package. The only catch is that you actually have to take advantage of the benefits to reap the rewards. You've worked hard to earn what you have. So why leave money on the table by not fully utilizing all your employer's perks and benefits? It makes no sense! Keep reading to discover how you can maximize your employee benefits and unlock their full potential. We'll show you just how lucrative employee benefits can be.
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